Testimony to the Environment Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly
Re: Testimony of the Connecticut Audubon Society to the Environment Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly In strong support of H.B. No. 5289 An Act Concerning The Nighttime Lighting Of State-Owned Buildings At Certain Times For The Protection Of Birds
Dear Committee Members:
Thank you for the opportunity to lend our strong support to this important proposal. The Connecticut Ornithological Association thanks the Committee and the sponsors of H.B. No. 5289 An Act Concerning The Nighttime Lighting Of State-Owned Buildings At Certain Times For The Protection Of Birds for this important proposal and for the opportunity to strongly support about this important measure.
Window collisions are a leading cause of bird mortality in North America. Many cities have had great success in reducing bird mortality by working with landowners to reduce interior lighting in glass covered buildings at night during the migration season. Setting an example by reducing nocturnal collision hazards on state buildings with be a very important step in reducing this serious problem that is likely affecting birds at the continental population scale.
The Connecticut Ornithological Association T is kicking off a statewide campaign to further such efforts for wildlife friendly lighting on the state and municipal levels.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on this important matter.
Craig Repasz
Conservation Chair